Why Start a Blog? (Video)

by Kimberly on October 29, 2009 · 0 comments

Rachel Rambach, a music therapist friend of mine over at Listen & Learn Music, is giving a presentation on blogging at the AMTA National Conference next month. (AMTA stands for American Music Therapy Association. It’s our official national association, so this is a pretty big deal!)

Rachel reached out to a bunch of us who are active on the web and asked if we would submit a video for her talk. Our video would answer such questions as:

  • Why did you start blogging?
  • How has your blogging helped you connect with other music therapists?
  • What opportunities have emerged for you since you started blogging?

I’ve given a lot of thought to these questions since starting the Music Therapy Maven last February. Since it takes an investment of time to blog, I’ve needed to make sure there is a purpose (other than it’s just fun–which it is!) I really enjoyed being able to sit and collect my thoughts.

So here’s my video. It’s likely that, if you are reading this blog, I am “preaching to the choir” by sharing this with you, but who knows? Hopefully it will help you in some way. Enjoy!

Rachel will present “Music Therapy in the Blogosphere” on Sunday morning, November 15th, from 9:15-10:15am. If your attending the national conference, please come hear her speak. Hope to see you there!

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