The Daily Blog 04/28/2009

by Kimberly on April 28, 2009 · 0 comments

This post is a little different than most. I am highlighting two music therapy posts. Here they are…enjoy!

Dr. Karl Paulnack’s Welcome Address from The Music Therapy Show with Janice Harris

  • Janice Harris, music therapist, hosts a weekly radio show dedicated to music therapy, what it is and how it can be used in your life. Her most recent guest was Dr. Karl Paulnack who currently serves as the Director of the Music Division at The Boston Conservatory. Janice posted an excerpt from a welcome address given in 2004 to parents of incoming music students. It is one of the most eloquent descriptions of the role of music in our society and in our lives that I have ever read. If you are a musician, this is a must-read. If you are wondering whether a career in music is a worthwhile endeavor, this is a must-read. If you are a lover of music, this is a must-read. Enjoy.

Day 2 – Defining Music Therapy

  • Although I recently wrote my own post describing and defining music therapy, I enjoyed reading this description by fellow music therapist John Lawrence. Although I feel we are saying the same thing, he offers a different and, for me, fresh approach of understanding and explaining music therapy.

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