
What Every Therapist Ought to Remember About the Holidays

December 1, 2009

This weekend we “put up Christmas” in the house. I love this time of year, with all the green, red, and gold, the lights, and the memories that come pouring back as I hang each little ornament. I felt happy, relaxed, and excited for the holidays! Then yesterday, the first Monday after a wonderful Thanksgiving […]

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71 Things Everyone Ought to Know About the Brain (Part 2)

November 12, 2009

This post is the second in a two-part series of ideas, facts, and resources all about the brain. They are based on a workshop I attended last weekend called “Linking Neuroscience to Clinical Practice.” The fabulous speaker was Dr. Martha Burns. The first article, published on Tuesday, listed the first 35 points. 71 Fun Facts […]

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71 Things Everyone Ought to Know About the Brain (Part 1)

November 9, 2009

Have you ever attended a seminar or workshop that got you so excited about something you wanted to start working right away, even though you just spent over 9 hours sitting, listening, and taking notes? I just did. If you follow me on Twitter or are a fan of Neurosong on Facebook, you know that […]

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The Traumatized Brain: Discover 3 Ideas that Will Change How You Work With Clients

November 5, 2009

If you are a music therapist, you probably know that our national conference is next week in San Diego (Yay!). This will be a time for us to learn, meet-and-greet, and get inspired being around like-minded people. There are hundreds of presentations and so many people to connect with–I can’t wait!!! On Saturday November 14, […]

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Mr. Teachout, Here’s Why We DO Need to Know About the Power of Music

November 3, 2009

A couple weeks ago, an article titled “The Mystery of Music: What about it has such power over human beings?” appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The author, Terry Teachout, wondered why it’s important for us to understand music’s effect on our emotions (he was inspired by a study showing that music can influence a […]

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7 Simple Ways to Calm an Angry Child

July 23, 2009

We’ve all made this mistake. It’s human nature. Evolution, really. We can’t help it. We’re wired to respond this way. A child gets angry. The child cries, yells, hits, pinches. Our blood pressure rises. Our voice gets louder. We get in their face so they pay attention to us. We bark at them. Does this […]

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Book Review: The Emotional Brain

April 8, 2009

I recently finished reading The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life by Joseph Ledoux. LeDoux is a well known and well respected researcher who specializes in studying, well, emotions. That’s his official specialty. Unofficially, I feel he should also be considered a specialist in taking complex ideas and breaking them down into easy-to-understand […]

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