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Mommy Mondays: The Benefit of Out-of-Town Travel

by Kimberly on April 2, 2013 · 0 comments

I am in major preparations mode. Stocking up on food, cleaning the laundry, getting ahead on homework and school projects—I’m getting physically, mentally, and emotionally ready for a couple of out-of-town work trips this month.

I’m excited about it, though—I love to travel! Have since I was a kid. I love the routine of getting from the house to the airplane. I love my post-security and pre-boarding ritual that involves purchasing a large cup of coffee, buying the latest edition of Vogue magazine, and making sure I stop by the restroom one last time. I especially love traveling when I get to do so alone. I mean, I love my kids, but it is SO much easier to travel by yourself! There is no Vogue or coffee involved when there are active children to run watch after.

So it should come as no surprise that I am looking forward to my upcoming trips. But in the past couple of years I have found there is something better than the excitement I feel from traveling. Do you know what the best part is?

The absolute best part of leaving for a work trip is coming home to my children. Of hugging them, smelling them, cuddling with them, and listening to them explode about all the fun things they did and learned while I was gone.

So as much as I’m looking forward to connecting with friends this month, I’m also looking forward to using my travel to help me connect and bond with my kids in a different way.

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