
Closing Shop 101 (Week 4): Keep the Business, Hire a Manager

June 15, 2010
Thumbnail image for Closing Shop 101 (Week 4): Keep the Business, Hire a Manager

Yikes! Is it week 4 already? Crazy… So far in our Closing Shop 101 series, we’ve talked about selling your private practice (which I thought about for Neurosong, but ultimately decided not to do) and liquidating (technically an option, but not a common one for therapy practices). Today’s topic covers another one I thought seriously […]

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Happy New Year! (Now Time for Taxes)

January 5, 2010

Wow–2010. I’m sitting here at my computer, first day back at work after the holiday break, and already I’ve had to delete “200-” and re-type “2010”…many times. Not only does this time of year bring excitement and anticipation for what’s in store (and maybe a little post-holiday letdown), it also brings a season near and […]

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Payroll Taxes Simplified, Part II

April 17, 2009

About a month ago, I wrote a post called Payroll Taxes Simplified, Part I. That post defined terms needed to understand the “what” of payroll taxes. This post will provide an overview of the tax schedule, the “when” of payroll taxes. As before, a disclaimer: I am not an accountant. This post does not replace […]

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Payroll Taxes Simplified, Part I

March 20, 2009

The picture you see is what I looked like for the past two years as quarterly filings came due. It took me hours to make all the calculations, fill out all the forms, double-check that I had the correct forms, make sure I made the correct payments PLUS make sure I had the correct ones […]

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